Who Said What

Testimonials From The Believers

A Note of Thanks!

Dr. Ronnie,

A person who genuinely knows God will never have to say, 'I am a Christian' because their works will speak (Matthew 7:8).  

Thanks for the words of wisdom. I am grateful to God for obedience. I prayed and asked God for guidance before asking you to be my Content Expert. For two-plus years, I have never had a thorough review. Thank you most kindly for valuing me enough to take the time to review the document in its entirety and providing honest feedback. 

You are great at what you do because of whom you choose to be, God's child. You did not have to say a word. When I listened to you freely imparting your knowledge, I knew in my spirit that you get it (Christianity). 

You care, and it makes all the difference in the world.  WHEN you become a Dissertation Chair, your students will be truly blessed to have you! 

~Jennifer (Grateful)

Ronnie Rocio